Post Jam Update #1 - Lightning Bolt

A lot of basic gameplay elements didn't make it into the jam version of the game. Outcomes are predetermined by who draws the stronger cards, and there aren't any rational decisions for a player to make other than "always play the strongest cards in my hand in every available slot". 

This update makes two small changes to start turning this from a tech demo into a game with more meaningful decisions.

Card artwork taken from a 1935 painting by Nicholas Roerich (Call of the Sky) and lightly edited.

  1.  The "Lightning Bolt" card has been added. Now that there is a removal spell in the game, there is a reason to bluff and hold powerful cards back in your hand.
  2. Hand sizes are larger (9 cards) but players only draw at the beginning of a turn. Power distributions across cards in hand are pushed down a bit so that weaker cards are more common, making it more important to use your powerful cards effectively.


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